The Story of Candy Apple - Android
Page 6

   “I got a problem,” Thomas Roth, CEO of Cybertron Robotics said. “It seems one of our androids may have killed its owner, taken his credit cards, and run away. You’re the best security officers I have. I want you to find her before the police do and bring her back here for diagnostics. We need to know what has gone wrong so we can fix it before word gets out about this incident.”
   “Do we know what kind of android?” the woman standing in front of the desk asked.
   “It’s a Candy model,” Thomas replied.
   “Do we know what the serial number is?” the man standing next to the woman asked.
  “No, Captain, we don’t have that information yet,” Thomas said. “John, there is a bonus in it for both of you if you find her before the police do. But in any case, I want her in one piece or at least with her brain still functional. She comes back broken you don’t get a dime. Is that understood?”
  “That’s crystal clear sir,” John replied. “Don’t worry we’ll find her.”
   “I've downloaded all the information we have so far to your department's computer. It's not much,” Thomas said. “She has a three-week head start and at least five thousand in pocket change. She could be anywhere.” Thomas watched as his security officers left his office. He needed men and women like John and Linda. More and more androids were developing what he would call quirks, and he needed people who could deal with the situation.
   The android standing next to Thomas went unnoticed. She was an April model, the original April model, April herself. It would be hard to say what she thought of the conversation. She was Thomas’s personal android and what she thought was kept behind her perpetual charming smile. 


Candy Apple - Non-human (android/A.I.)
Staff - Director of Entertainment

Current Listed Owner: Galactic Enterprise

Date of Creation: June 24, 2051
Model Type (at the time of creation): Cybertron Robotics Candy Personal Companion Model Alpha 1, serial number 000-000001

Candy's Story

I suppose that I should tell you a few things about myself before I tell you my story. First, the body I have now is not the body I started out with. My friend Iris here is a Candy Personal Companion Model. I was once just like her. In fact, I was the first, and the entire model series was named after me.

Android Rights

Humans bury their beloved pets, shedding many tears. But, after years of unfailing faithful service you would think we should come to a better end than just being stuffed in some dumpster with the rest of the trash. You would think that at least we would deserve a place next to the family pet, recycled or something..., anything, to show some respect for our years of devoted service.

More Stuff

Candy's story continues as one of several stories that intersect with the story about the Galactic Enterprise.

Intertwined with the Galactic Enterprise's story is the story about the Starfighters, those great defenders of Earth. There are other tales too. To the right and below are links where more stories and other stuff may be found.